I keep receiving an “Invalid credentials, please try again” message, what should I do?
This means that either your username, password or access code are incorrect.
If you have not registered for multifactor authentication, this means that either your username, password or memorable word characters are incorrect.
Your username is your Scheme Member Reference which can be found on any communication that you have received from Isio.
If you have requested to receive email access codes, you are sent a new access code each time you attempt to log in. You should not
navigate away from My Pension Tracker to receive the access code, instead access your email on a different tab, application or device.
If you repeatedly request email access codes, only the latest requested code is valid. When a new access code is issued, all previous codes become invalid
even if they are less than 30 minutes old. Please ensure that you refresh your email inbox and check the time of the email to ensure you are using the
correct code for the login attempt.
If you do not receive an email access code, despite multiple resend attempts, please check your spam folder before contacting the member helpline on 0800
122 3200 (from outside of the UK call +44 203 727 9850). Our helpline is open from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
If you have a smartphone, you could also consider using the authenticator app method instead.
If you’d like to change the way in which you receive access codes, please contact the member helpline on the telephone numbers above.